The trial will streamline the delivery and recovery of loan documents in NSW, South Australia and Victoria, allowing home owners to submit completed loan contracts online.
The platform, developed by Gaililee Solicitors, enables a fully digital delivery, completion and return of loan contracts and mortgages.
Additionally, it reduces the chance for error in signing documents and provides a quicker time frame to reach settlement.
The regulatory environment in NSW, South Australia and Victoria will allow refinance customers to reap the benefits of the platform; however, further legislation is needed to expand to more states.
Chief executive of Gateway Bank Lexi Airey said the transformation of back-office processes is an constantly evolving project.
“Customer-centricity is at the core of our organisation and service simplification will have a positive flow-on effect both for our valued members and our staff,” Ms Airey said.
Managing partner at Gaililee Solicitors Cordell Smith said that the solution brought mortgages into the twenty-first century and reduced hurdles for customers.
“Recent changes to NSW legislation that enable electronic witnessing, align with existing Victorian and South Australian capabilities, and probably represent a new beginning for the mortgage lending industry,” Mr Smith said.