The Australian Information Industry Association’s (AIIA) chief executive Rob Fitzpatrick says digital technology will underpin the Australian economy “without a doubt”, and as such needs to be made a priority.
“Given the world is rapidly changing, we must move fast to set our course or risk being left behind. Australia’s prosperity hinges on our ability to innovate, which in turn will drive jobs, growth and importantly, our global competitiveness,” Mr Fitzpatrick said.
A lack of digital literacy among Australians is one of the chief concerns of the Australian Computer Society (ACS). According to its president, Anthony Wong, roughly 2.5 million Australians in non-ICT related roles still need a firm grasp of digital literacy.
“As we progress into the information age, digital literacy will become an essential skill and currency, if not already” he said.
Mr Fitzpatrick warned Australia risks being left behind if not enough is done to assist in building the digital economy.
“To innovate, we need the right environment with the right infrastructure in place,” he said.